Tuesday 24 January 2012

Research - Book Covers [Front]

I have a couple of books that I wanted to look at, to see how their front covers look like, as this is the main design that people will look at. I also what to look at how they have designed the front cover.

I think this front cover is very unusual, with is very bright, and bold colours used on the front of the book. The strange symbols, and icons on the book in black make the book to become more noticeable from other books. All the icons connect to chicago, for example people, buildings, fire hazard, water and many other icons.

I think this looks like a strange front cover, and not one that I would of thought of, although this is because I don't think that people would like the front cover, and maybe find this unpleasing.

This is a very well known book (or books). They keep the layout, and the design of their books the same, and only change the title, and other information on the book. They make the book look interesting by including angled designs, and text.

This book design has used a very good, and interesting technique. They have added an image in the background of the text showing you what the title means. the layout of the book, also added an interest by adding the 'the' in the 'I'. I also think the red banner on the left side of the book makes it look interesting, and professional.

I think the front design of the book is a bit busy, and I think the designer could of spaced out, the graphics on the book a bit more. It looks like it is a bit squashed, and tight on the front of the book.

This front cover is really interesting and attracts my eye to the book. I like that colours that have been added to the book, I think these colours go very well with each other. A great technique they have included on the front cover of this design, is that the designer changed the colour of the text the same as the background. You can still see very clearly what the text says, and the 'before' between the two 'life' words is a very  cleaver, and attractive technique.

I think this design of this book is a very attractive design, showing what the book is about. I think this looks very eye catching, and I like the silhouette of the birds with the deep red background. I think the red would symbolize the danger of these birds, which makes the book look very interesting, and a very clever. I like the title at an angle which also shows, and symbolizes danger.

I choose this front cover design book, because I wanted to see what it would look like with just a photograph on the front of the book. I think this looks good, as it does not look out of place. Another effect the designer has added, is that he has blackened the edges of the photo, so this focuses on one point. I also think the font type used on the front of the book is also very important, as this type face is very abrupt similar to the photo.

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